An introduction
May 29, 2013
I’ve been writing professional software since 1999. I started out as an engineer in opto-electronics, writing all my code in classic VB, SCPI, C++ and PL/SQL. I studied Computing and Information Systems at university, which means I wrote a lot of Java, SQL and swore at Solaris and Emacs a lot. As my career moved away from engineering and toward finance in The City of London, I slipped into the world of Windows, specifically C# and T-SQL.
This blog is a series of articles about my journey as a C# software developer. Lessons I’ve learned earnestly through experience and new lessons I learn day by day as I strive to continuously improve as a professional.
I hope you enjoy, or find some of my observations informative. Please join me on my journey. Challenge my assertions, question my conclusions and help me as I ponder..